"Inside the Mind of a Master Procastinator"

Yesterday, I watched a very inspiring TED talk. Link to TED talk: Inside the mind of a master procrastinator | Tim Urban - YouTube Speaker's blog: Wait But Why Nice picture: 3 persons in the head The "Rational Decision Maker" The "Instant Gratification Monkey" The "Panic Monster" Very entertaining speaker Procastination whit things having a deadline: System works because Panic Monster kicks in Problem are areas where no deadlines are in (e....

April 4, 2021 Â· 1 Minute

"Scott Hanselman: Scaling Yourself"

Yesterday I saw an interesting talk on YouTube: 🚀 DevTernity 2019: Scott Hanselman – Scaling Yourself My notes: "Every system is designed to make us feel bad" (3:30) Many productive things are just showing up (8:00) "The less you do, the more of it you can do" (10:00) => Saying no is a very powerfull tool Effective: Goal oriented "doing the right things" Efficient: Process oriented "doing things right" "Psychic Weight" of television shows I wanna see Rule of 3: Write down three outcomes...

April 4, 2021 Â· 1 Minute

Seek, Sense, Share – 3 Schritte zum persönlichen Wissensmanagement

Wir alle nehmen täglich sehr viele Informationen auf. Wir konsumieren jede Menge Blog-Posts, Tweets, Zeitschriftenartikel, Videos, Bücher usw.. Allerdings habe ich oft das Gefühl, dass dabei zu wenig hängen bleibt. Wichtiges Wissen scheint regelrecht durch die Finger zu rieseln. Einfach ein paar schnelle Notizen zu machen ist auch nur eine bedingte Lösung, da Notizen ohne System schnell zum Chaos führen. Ein System in dieses Chaos zu bringen versprechen Methoden zum persönlichen Wissensmanagement oder neudeutsch „Personal Knowledge Management“ (PKM)....

August 20, 2017 Â· 4 Minuten