"Inside the Mind of a Master Procastinator"

Yesterday, I watched a very inspiring TED talk. Link to TED talk: Inside the mind of a master procrastinator | Tim Urban - YouTube Speaker's blog: Wait But Why Nice picture: 3 persons in the head The "Rational Decision Maker" The "Instant Gratification Monkey" The "Panic Monster" Very entertaining speaker Procastination whit things having a deadline: System works because Panic Monster kicks in Problem are areas where no deadlines are in (e....

April 4, 2021 · 1 Minute

"Scott Hanselman: Scaling Yourself"

Yesterday I saw an interesting talk on YouTube: 🚀 DevTernity 2019: Scott Hanselman – Scaling Yourself My notes: "Every system is designed to make us feel bad" (3:30) Many productive things are just showing up (8:00) "The less you do, the more of it you can do" (10:00) => Saying no is a very powerfull tool Effective: Goal oriented "doing the right things" Efficient: Process oriented "doing things right" "Psychic Weight" of television shows I wanna see Rule of 3: Write down three outcomes...

April 4, 2021 · 1 Minute